I use it as a law enforcement officer to confirm if people have the right meds that they are prescribed and it is easy to find every pill ive come in contact with... definitely worth the money
I use it as a law enforcement officer to confirm if people have the right meds that they are prescribed and it is easy to find every pill ive come in contact with... definitely worth the money
Works good. Couldnt ask for a better one
I was volunteering in a clinic on a remote island in Honduras, and patients would come in with baggies of pills they were taking. Thank god I had downloaded this app to my phone before I lost WiFi. It was invaluable for identifying and finding pills that people would describe. The images are great! Find pills by color, shape, imprint, score or image!
It is very helpful I put all my Meds In a small container they all spilled out I had to sort them out again I didnt have the bottle the Are 3thats so similar that are very different It came in just in time very easy to use I like Ty
I use it daily on my job as a police officer and it helps me to quickly identify pills and their schedules. No problems with app so far.
Very weak, needs pictures as identifiers as well as numbers. PDR is gold standard.
I am an Assistant Principal at a high school and am able to use the app when we find a student who has made a poor choice a brought drugs to school. Great tool for me.
That says enough, doesnt it?
I am a busy physician, and must identify pills my patients bring in, as well as other identification tasks. I have found this program to be very useful. I havent discovered any particular bugs yet, although one time I did look for a pill that it couldnt find. I believe another online data base yielded a solution. Dr. J. Benson
I am in Law Enforcement and this app is accurate and helpful when identifying pills in the field.
Very helpful!!! Couldnt live without this one!
Great product, fast service, very helpfyul
This app is dope asf. By far best Ive seen and it helps a lot.
Found this app to be accurate and great for those pills that sit around to long, also I always double check pharmacy, I have had them give me wrong pills before great app, well worth 99 cents compared to free one.
Useful app. It has proven useful in my clinical practice. I use it frequently.
Im on several Rxs & a number of them look very similar. This app is very useful when I need to quickly confirm a particular medication.
Very simple to use
helps me by putting the app in front of me without having to search for a pill
My Mammaw has cancer and is in numerous meds, always adding something new to what she already takes. She tends to drop pills or forget one in her pill reminder and this app help so much when I find a pill I cant identify. It definitely helps tremendously when she gets a different brand of a pill she is already taking and the new manufacturers brand looks different to her.
If you want to know what pill is, this app will tell you. If you find a pill on the floor or in your teenagers pocket, within a minute, you will know what it is, what its for & more. I use it all the time. Its one of the most useful apps I have!!